Since ages, human beings are puzzled by the "Mind-Body Link." As human beings we have at least two separate levels of existence - our minds and our bodies, which are actually one, giving us a whole existence. Our minds consist of our thoughts and our feelings, which are invisible or ethereal. We know they are there because we can experience them but we do not know why or how they exist (for most part). 

In contrast, our bodies consist of tissues - blood, bones, muscles, fats, organs and so forth. The tissues ultimately consist of molecules, and the molecules are ultimately made up of atoms. The building blocks are inert - presumably, atoms have no consciousness. So how can the inert tissue in our brains give rise to our conscious minds, which can see, hear, feel, love, hate, etc.? 

According to the French philosopher, Rene' Descartes, our minds and bodies must be connected in some manner. He called the portion of the brain (as per his imagination) that links these two separate entities the "seat of the soul." In the modern era, neuroscientists continue this search as they attempt to figure out how our brains create emotions and conscious thoughts. Most philosophers and religious people believe that the "seat of the soul" is the heart, while some believe it to be the stomach and while some other believe it to be the solar plexus (upper abdomen). 

Soul is nothing else but a subtle part of the mind, the observer, the being, the watcher, the subconscious. It is your true self, inner self, the subliminal, the psyche, the inner voice, the spirit and so on. 

Around Fifty Percent Limit 

All problems have two edges to them: they can be tackled through the mind and through the body. A few people believe that all problems are of the body - the physiologists, the medical doctors (the physicians), the Pavlovians, the behaviorists. They treat the body, and of course, in around fifty percent of the cases they succeed.

Then there are other people, the cognitive therapists, the spiritualists, etc., who think that all problems are of the mind - which is also not completely right. They also succeed in around fifty percent of the cases or more.

Almost Hundred Percent Cure

My own understanding is that each problem has to be tackled from both sides together, simultaneously; it has to be attacked from both the doors, a double-fronted attack. Then man can be cured one hundred percent. Whenever science becomes perfect, it will work both ways. 

The first is the body, because the body is the portal to the mind - the porch. And because the body is gross, it is easily manipulatable. That's what most people feel and believe. However, mind is also equally important in cure or rather more. I give more marks to mind. Mind - > 60% & Body - < 40%.

On the whole, the body affects the mind and the mind affects the body. For instance, if a person has lost a limb in an accident, obviously he will also go into depression. Similarly, too much of mental stress or tension can lead to high blood pressure, cardiac problem and so forth.

In their essential state, our bodies are composed of energy (including information). This energy, apart from keeping us alive also helps us to think and reason. We call this life force energy as mind. The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies and the experiences of our world through our mind as per our thinking, perceptions and interpretations. Hence, Mind is over Matter (body).

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our own thoughts." 
- Buddhist Quotation

There is incredible liberation in realizing that you can change your world - including your body - simply by changing your perception. How you perceive yourself or your life is causing immense changes in your body or your life right now.

The mind and body are not two things. The mind is the inner part of the body, and the body is the outer part of the mind…. anything can start in the mind and enter the body or vice versa. There is no division; there is no watertight compartment. The mind and body are inseparable one. The unity that is "me" separates into two streams of experience. I experience the energy (the subjective stream) as thoughts, feelings, and desires. I experience the matter (the objective stream) as my body. At a deeper level, however, the two streams meet at a single creative source. 

The biochemistry of the body is a product of awareness. Beliefs, thoughts, and desires create chemical reactions (changes) which give rise to our feelings and emotions. Wherever thought goes, a chemical goes with it. Our brain releases chemicals as per our thoughts. These chemicals have a real impact on how we feel and how we behave. Repetition of same behavior creates a habit, which in turn has an impact on our destiny or life. 

Perception appears to be automatic, but in fact it is a learned phenomenon. The world you live in, including the experience of your body, is completely dictated by how you learned to perceive it. If you change your perception, you change the experience of your body and your world.

"You will become whatever you consistently think about yourself."

                                                                                              --Joe Kehoe

Psychosomatic Illnesses

It has been estimated that more than 80% of the diseases are psychosomatic (caused by some psychological or emotional factors). I believe we create almost every so-called illness in our body. The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts, emotions and beliefs. The body is always talking to us, if we can only take the time to listen to it. Every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think, every emotion you feel, every word you speak and every deed you do. The aforesaid leads to "eases" or "diseases". 

When it comes to psychosomatic illness the role of psychologist/psychotherapist and self-help become very important. Drugs maybe helpful and medical treatment is usually indicated in the beginning for symptom control. 

Just what is a psychosomatic illness? Dr. J. A. Winter, in his book The origins of illness and Anxiety (Julian Press, New York), gives a very good definition. He says:
We define a psychosomatic disease as an illness with the following characteristics: 
1. The disorder is one of function, rather that of structure, although structural changes (in the body) may occur later.
2. It is precipitated by an inadequate stimulus.
3. The response is not appropriate to the stimulus.
4. It is based on some past experience, usually painful.
5. It is based on fixed associations-a certain stimulus will almost always elicit an unvarying response.
6. There seems to be a lack of awareness of Here and Now; the patient's reactions seem to overlook or ignore the present-time situation in favor of some previously experienced one.
In other words, psychosomatic illness means physical symptom or disease caused by mental reasons. Mind causing an illness in the body. Such illnesses seem to stem from problem situations, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, words and behavior rather than actual infections or injuries. 

Most of us realize that illness may have psychological causes but we like to believe this is something, which may be so with others but not with us. Ours must be organic. If our doctor tells us we have a psychosomatic illness we may even resent it and find the idea unacceptable, at least until it is confirmed by some other physician. Unfortunately, most of the doctors are not trained in psychosomatics and are unable to cope with such an illness and may dismiss the patient with such a remark as "It's all in your head." It may be from your emotions, but it is not imaginary and just in your head. A psychologically produced pain hurts just as much as an organic one. Or these untrained physicians may even say that there is no psychological factor involved at all. 

When patients are referred to me with this type of ailment they frequently will remark, :I don't know why my doctor asked me to see you. You are a psychologist and my asthma (or migraine, or skin condition, or whatever) is a physical condition". 

Remember - whatever is caused by mind, can only be cured through mind.

Stress and tension may serve to lower bodily resistance so that we become more susceptible to even infectious diseases and in this sense it could be said that all illness has an emotional background.
James A. Loving, C.Ht
Omega Method
Medical Hypnotherapy