Critical Factor

The critical factor is the part of the mind that analyzes
incoming information to determine whether or not the incoming
information agrees with current beliefs, behavior patterns and
attitudes. When new information disagrees with current beliefs,
the new information is often ignored or rejected.

Example: If a person believes they are not attractive and someone
tells them they "look good," that comment may be discounted. The
rationale for rejecting the compliment might go something like
this… "They're just trying to be nice, they don't really think I
look good," or "They must want something from me because they
can't really believe I look good."

Critical Factor Bypass

Critical factor bypass is relaxing the analytical, reasoning,
evaluating, judging part of the mind, allowing new information
and ideas to more easily enter the subconscious/unconscious mind,
with less emphasis on previously held beliefs. During critical
factor bypass, new ideas are accepted more easily. Critical
judgment is suspended or reduced.

There are many examples of critical factor bypass in everyday life.

1. When you "pretend" or "imagine" to a sufficient degree, you
are bypassing your critical factor.
2. People often suspend their judgment in favor of an authority
figure's judgment. That is a critical factor bypass.
3. defines faith as: Belief that does not rest on
logical proof or material evidence. Faith, religious or
otherwise is by definition a critical factor bypass.
4. Becoming involved in the story of a book or movie is a
critical factor bypass.
5. Daydreaming
6. Hypnosis


Selective Thinking:

Selective thinking occurs when a person puts the full power of
their mind on one idea so powerfully that it becomes their
reality. It's intense concentration really.

Example: During the Dave Elman Induction, you might say to a
subject "Relax your eyes and the muscles around your eyes, fully
and completely. Relax them so completely, that it's as if they
will not open. While you relax them that completely, try to open
them and satisfy yourself that they remain closed." If the
subject tries to open their eyes but they remain closed, they
have achieved selective thinking. That is, they have
concentrated on their eyes remaining closed and it became their

Example II: Someone has heard over and over again that it is
very difficult to stop smoking. Because this negative suggestion
was repeated many times, often by authority figures, it achieves
critical factor bypass. They concentrate on how hard it is to
stop (selective thinking) and it becomes their reality. Notice
that in this example, it is not acceptable selective thinking.


So, direct suggestion hypnosis is simply bypassing someone's
critical factor then creating a powerful focus on a positive idea
by instructing them directly to focus on that idea.

Omega Method
James A. Loving, CHt, RSc.P
Omega Method
James A. Loving, CHt, RSc.P