Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be revitalized by your new “prosperity consciousness”  

If you were once mystified by some misconceived, misguided notions that you were undeserving of prosperity...that riches were reserved for others...or even that you’ll always experience limitations in your life – now you can finally assert your birthright to savor the enriching life!
For even if you’re not completely sure of your dreams of prosperity, doesn’t your heart know these dreams are the real you? So why not come home to a special, magical land – for isn’t home where you bring your heart’s dreams?
And in all the world is there not a more congenial spot for achieving your dreams of prosperity – then the legendary city of Camelot!...... a world wide-open with new enriching possibilities!
Yes...venture within the deepest realms of your imagination to discover within...a magical kingdom – the creative place where all magic begins! Those veils of mystification, all those so-called limitations disappear! For in Camelot the very air you breathe is radiant with positive belief!
Yes...sense a new openness to receive freely - all the abundance of a generous universe. For now you’re providing just as freely what you most choose to do...now heeding your heart’s direction to that ambition that thrives within you – that makes you feel most alive!
This is your quest: to realize the source of your enriching dream! Yes...your quest to reveal...your own holy grail!
As you begin....perceive a new focus in your life....a new clarity of purpose..... For your magical source is now energizing and deeply instilling you with your true aspiration - to finally actualize your life’s potential!
Yes...your deeper mind is now mobilizing and releasing freely all your imaginative and creative faculties – your enthusiasm and confident energy leading you ever forward on your quest...
And as you provide freely your own productive service – sense the inner certainty that prosperity is your due – that prosperity is streaming just as freely into your life!
This self-assurance is now a powerful attractive force – coursing out... outwardly into the universe and resonating with the universe’s creative forces – drawing to you those people in tune with your needs – and drawing to you just those fortuitous opportunities......to transform your dreams of prosperity into your new reality!!

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Omega Method
James A. Loving, CHt