One Simple, Yet Powerful, Technique
That Drives You Into Actions Every Day
And Helps To Overcome Procrastination

Unfortunately very few recognize the astonishing power of personal success journal. It takes only 10-15 minutes a day to write down your achievements and the tasks you’ve accomplished. But these 15 minutes a day have the power to transform all your life.

Success journal motivates you.
By writing down your achievements you will be able to feel the progress. You will see how by small steps you’re moving closer and closer to your goal.

Success journal eliminates temptation.
It will be easier to resist temptations since you know that you have to write down what you have done tonight.

Success journal simplifies your life.
Things become much simpler when they are written down. A journal makes you more tolerant of life’s distractions.

However you should be aware of three rules of keeping a success journal:

1. Write only what you’ve done.
Don’t write what you still haven’t done and what you have to do tomorrow. List only accomplished tasks and achievements.

2. List even small things.
Everything counts! A phone call, a chapter of a textbook or your decision to pass by the chocolate cheesecake.

3. Make it a daily habit.
Don’t skip days! Even if you’re exhausted make sure you write at least 1-2 sentences in your success journal. Even if the only thing you did was thinking about your goal.

I urge you to take a notebook and list there all your completed tasks. In 30 days you wouldn’t possibly be able to live without it.

I hope this tip will help you on your way to success!
All the best,
Arina Nikitina
P.S. You can learn a complete step-by-step goal setting process by getting your copy of "How to Set and Achieve a Goal" ebook here. Remember, you have absolutely nothing to risk with my unconditional money back guarantee. Click on the link below to get your copy:

Copyright © 2004 Arina Nikitina