Hypnotherapy Makes Life Changes Simple

Hypnotherapy is a tried and true method to alter behavior.  Many people view it with some suspicion due to negative media attention, but it is in fact a very safe method to alter negative behavioral issues.  Hypnotherapy can be used to alter any habit that you truly wish to break.  It is used to help quit smoking, lose weight, save money and much more.  If you really truly desire to change, hypnotherapy can help.  Results vary from person to person and some are more susceptible to hypnosis than others.  For most a single session is enough to completely alter the desired behavior.  For others a follow up session will be required at no additional cost.

Many people think that their strong will makes them immune to hypnotherapy, while in truth the reverse is true.  The more confident and strong willed the person, the more likely they are to easily enter a trance state.  People that are not confident often have more in the way of barriers in place and fight the treatment.  Those that are resistant will require more sessions to be comfortable enough to enter a trance state.  One of the common myths about hypnotherapy can make it more difficult for patients to relax enough for it to work.  A hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do.  If they ask you to do something you find morally wrong or repugnant, you simply will refuse.  Hypnotherapy can offer a pain free way to change your life.  Enjoy the results quickly after just a few sessions.

High Success Rate

As a general rule, over 80% of people can quit smoking with Hypnosis in a single session. It has one of the highest success rates for smoking cessation because it gets right to the source of your habit. However, I have recently consoldated an additional program into my already succesful one that bosts (with validation) 89% success. I expect this blend to increase the success rate even more. Hypnosis is all about helping you make the changes you want in your life, but it doesn’t “brainwash” you to do something you really don’t want or aren’t ready to do.

If you want to give up smoking but need help in getting through the chemical and emotional withdrawal stage quickly and easily, hypnosis will be a powerful ally. If you don’t really want to quit, but are hoping that hypnosis will change your mind for you; it is a waste of your time and money.

Counseling, acupuncture, nicotine patches or gum may all be effective in their own way, but in my experience, no intervention is as fast or effective as hypnosis.

The Cost of Smoking

You know all the damage smoking can do to your lungs, heart, circulation and other systems, even if you’ve been in denial. Here's what a fellow hypnotherapist had to say: "I was a smoker for thirty years. I stopped seventeen years ago when I asked a fellow hypnotherapist in England to do me a favor and hypnotize me. My clever colleague imposed an aversion to cigarette smoke on me – I still can’t stand the smell of tobacco smoke. No other therapy, to my knowledge, can do this."

The other cost is financial. If you smoke a pack a day, you will spend almost $2,500 a year that you could be using for something a lot more fun. The good news is that your body and your wallet start to recover as soon as you quit.

Improved Health

Within a few months of quitting smoking, your risk factors improve dramatically. My colleague report: "My body has completely recovered; I don’t cough up lumps of phlegm when I wake up in the morning, and I’m no longer short of breath. In fact, I didn't know how toxic cigarette smoke is until I started to help people quit smoking." The tobacco releases acetone, DDT, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide - together with a whole host of other nasty chemicals.
"...If you ever meet someone with emphysema, you’ll really appreciate how not being able to take a deep breath can ruin your life. I have a particular horror of cancer of the throat and mouth, having seen clients with those conditions who wouldn’t quit until they were forced to and came to me for help." 

One Session

In most cases it only takes one session of hypnotherapy lasting about two and a half hours to quit smoking. My success rate is now about 89% percent in one session. But hey, life happens, and I so want you to quit that I give you my 'guarantee' for one year that you can return free of charge, as many times as necessary, if you go back on the habit. The vast majority of those who return only need one more session. And now, the new program that I mentioned also brings with it a 5 year tracking system. This tracking system serves two purposes 1) For the next 5 years you'll never be alone; I, or one of my therapists will be instantly notified if you need assistance, 2) Your success will be added to my statistics that reflect the success rate of this program.

I often treat a husband and wife together, or two partners, and I charge two thirds of the normal fee, including the ‘guarantee’. I have found that group sessions are far less effective. I have had many clients who have tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking through a group session. Sitting on an uncomfortable chair in a crowded room is not conducive to the deep relaxation and personalization needed for success. However, there is one (1) exception


I start off a "quit smoking" session with your history and an in-depth talk about how you use smoking in your life. We then review all the health, social and financial benefits you can expect from quitting. Few people realize that the death rate from cancer caused by smoking is one person every five minutes; this is more than road accidents, AIDS, drug abuse, suicides and alcohol abuse put together. When people become aware of the statistics, and see what the habit is really doing to their bodies, they really start to change their mindset.

In order to achieve lasting effect, I need to put the client into deep hypnosis. This takes time - especially if you have not been hypnotized before. I need to bring you in and out of hypnosis several times to get the depth we need, so that is why the session takes about two and a half hours. After about an hour in hypnosis, most clients emerge never wanting to touch a cigarette again. Many tell me the experience for them appeared to take about ten minutes. As they leave the room I have to remind them to throw away their lighter and half empty packs still lingering in their pockets. They leave as non-smokers!

BONUS: Your hypnotherapy cost for stopping smoking is now a tax write off! So it costs you nothing.
Tax laws passed for 2003 onwards mean you can claim a tax deduction for 100% for money paid for smoking programs. You can also claim 100% for weight loss programs if you were advised by a physician to lose weight. Oregon smokers wanting to quit can now get financial help from their health insurance companies.
As for any deduction taken on a Federal income tax return, you must keep the documentation for those items for 3 years AFTER the date you FILE your tax return
$295 ($395 for for 2 people)
Pay with PayPal and get up to 6 months to make a payment. It's called "Bill Me Later".